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4 search results for: Patt Blue
Tim Maul on Artist Keren Shavit’s “Broken Kayfabe”
2014 Light Work Artist-in-Residence Keren Shavit’s Rabbits (a.k.a. Oryctolagus Cuniculus) is part of AKIN: Keren Shavit & Eva Marie Rødbrom, the first exhibition in Urban Video Project‘s 2018-2019 curatorial program. AKIN […]
Menschel Gallery Catalogues
1985 – 1997
Please note: Your purchase is for the complete set of Menschel Gallery catalogues, except for those that have sold out and are no longer available. Please find a list below indicating the issues that are no longer available. By purchasing, you will receive all of the currently available issues mailed to you and a one-year subscription to Contact Sheet.