Community Night:
American Bear Screening

Wed, Sep 24, 2014 — 8:00pm
Everson Museum Plaza
401 Harrison Street
Syracuse, NY

Urban Video Project (UVP) and parent organization Light Work are pleased to present a one-night-only, free, outdoor screening of “American Bear: An Adventure in the Kindness of Strangers,” a documentary film directed by Greg Gano + Sarah Sellman.

The screening will take place at 8pm on Wednesday, September 24, 2014 at UVP Everson, located at the 401 Harrison Street in Syracuse, New York. The screening will be FREE & OPEN to the public.

For the most up-to-date information, join the event on Facebook!

The Urban Video project screening is one of several Syracuse-based “American Bear” events taking place from September 19-25, 2014. Check out the full schedule!

About “American Bear”

In “American Bear,” Sarah and Greg travel through 30 states in 60 days. They spend every day in a new town, and rely on the kindness of strangers for a home each night. On their cross-country road trip, Sarah and Greg navigate American culture, compassion, and fear through the generosity of others. At times funny, heartbreaking, and inspirational; the individual stories of the people Sarah and Greg meet reflect the daily choices we make to trust, confide in, care for, and sympathize with one another. American Bear is a project of hope.

According to Directors Gano and Sellman, “’American Bear’ has expanded into a multifaceted and community-driven project. Our events began as a way of giving back some of the kindness we experienced on the road, and they now reach hundreds of people in cities across the country by encouraging adventure, interaction, and sharing within the local community. They also create opportunities to continue exploring the questions raised in the film about who we trust, how we bridge differences, and how reconciling privilege is an essential step in forming connections. These themes have also evolved in the BEAR Bones web-series, with professors and experts using the lens of their respective fields to explore social nature and development. This project encourages us to continue to investigate our assumptions, interrogate our comfort zones, and listen to each other in order to grow.”

For more information on “American Bear; an adventure in the kindness of strangers”, go to:

This event is generously sponsored by the Connective Corridor, CNY Arts, Everson Museum of Art, Light Work, and the Urban Video Project.