Joe Lingeman: Habitus

April 4 – May 31, 2013
Community Darkrooms Gallery
Reception: Thurs, April 4, 5-7pm

Light Work and Community Darkrooms are pleased to present the photographic work of Syracuse University MFA student Joe Lingeman.

Lingeman combines varying modes of photography—still life, commercial portraiture, and street photography. Taken as a whole, his images deal with absurdity, spiritual longing, and a tension between authenticity and artifice in contemporary life in the developed world.

Joe Lingeman’s work has been shown at Art Chicago 2010, Visual Studies Workshop in Rochester, New York, Craft Chemistry in Syracuse, New York. His images have been published in the pages of Next American City, and Facebook’s internal ‘zine, Zeitgeist. Lingeman was born in Toldeo, Ohio and grew up in Bloomington, Indiana. He holds a BA in Sociology and a BFA in photography from Indiana University. He is scheduled to complete his MFA at Syracuse University in May of 2013.