Lab / Education

As a Light Work Lab member, we want you to get the most from our facility and staff. We are proud to offer a variety of classes and workshops. Our goal is to give you the opportunity to go deeper with your photography, learn from professionals in the field, and meet fellow members.

Lightroom Classic Course

When: Wednesdays 9/4, 9/11, 9/18 from  6-8pm

Where: Light Work, 316 Waverly Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13210 located in the Robert B. Menschel Media Center.

Cost: $150

Open to members and non-members!


Streamline your photo-editing in Adobe’s Lightroom Classic! This four-week course led by Becky Marris will cover the basics of using Lightroom and how to batch edit your photos. From establishing a color palette to matching density, this class will look at how to unify a group of images using tools in Lightroom. At the end of the four weeks, you will leave with a written guide on the editing workflow used.

Compensation for participants who cancel will not be available.

B&W Non-Toxic Developing Workshop

When: Thursday 9/26 from 6-8:30pm

Where: Light Work, 316 Waverly Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13210 located in the Robert B. Menschel Media Center.

Cost: $130 (materials included – see below)

Open to members and non-members!


Spend an evening with Cali and learn how to develop your black and white film using coffee! For black and white non-toxic processing, there are many formulas that allow you to experiment with different looks and feels to your work. Caffenol (coffee-based) processing dates back to 1995, created by Dr. Scott Williams at the Rochester Institute of Technology. Participants will learn how to mix their own negative processing chemistry using a combination of items from the grocery store, and then develop their roll of film.

Please note: this is a DIY and very experimental process. There may be some inconsistencies during processing, so we suggest not using your most precious film. 

All materials are provided EXCEPT film – bring one roll of your own EXPOSED black & white film*. We will also have film dryers and light tables.

*Super 8mm, 16mm, 35mm, Medium Format, etc. ALL FORMATS WELCOME!

*Includes a DIY flatbed scanning certificate to come back and scan your processed film! (Still images only.)

Compensation for participants who cancel will not be available.

Image © Cali M. Banks. Courtesy of the artist. Super 8mm still.

Photoshop Basics Course (Daytime or Evening)

When: Tuesday Mornings 10/8, 10/15, 10/22, 10/29 from 10am-12pm

When: Wednesday Evenings 10/9, 10/16, 10/23, 10/30 from 6-8pm


Where: Light Work, 316 Waverly Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13210 located in the Robert B. Menschel Media Center.

Cost: $200

Open to members and non-members!

Get to know Photoshop in this four-week course! This class will cover the fundamentals of image-editing in Photoshop. Learn how to make color and contrast adjustments in your photos, lightly retouch, and then prep to print! Each class will be an hour of instruction followed by an hour of studio time. At the end of the four weeks, you will leave with a finished print and written guide on the editing workflow used. Daytime sessions will be led by Becky and evening sessions by Koz.

Compensation for participants who cancel will not be available.

Lens-Based Open Studio

When: Thursday 11/7 from 6-8pm

Where: Light Work, 316 Waverly Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13210 located in the Robert B. Menschel Media Center.

Cost: FREE

Open to members and non-members!

Click here to register

Come hang with us in the lab! Bring your photos or other lens-based projects and check out what others are working on. Show us your working prints, book dummy, portfolio, collage pieces, etc.! In-progress and finished projects are welcome at this open studio. Whether you’re a seasoned photographer or just starting out, this is the perfect opportunity to share your work and receive feedback.