A collection of work produced by the Light Work Artists-in-Residence and the Light Work Grant recipients with accompanying essays. Includes the work of Jennifer Greenburg, Rik Pinkcombe, Ben Gest, Peggy Levison Nolan, Hank Willis Thomas, Suzanne Opton, Kanako Sasaki, Angelika Rinnhofer, Keith Johnson, Martin Kollar, Michael Schreier, and Migdalia Valdes. Also included are the Light Work Grant recipients Luke Buffenmyer, Doug DuBois, and Steven Skopik.
Essayists include Jeffrey Hoone, A. Kendra Greene, Kelly O’Reilly, Peter Bacon Hales, Abner Nolan, Kalia Brooks, Larry List, Barbara Tannenbaum, Ariel Shanberg, Robert Hirsch, Laura A. Guth, James Borcoman, Migdalia Valdes, Jessica Heckman, Wendy Ewald, Mary Warner Marien, and James Rajotte. This catalogue also included an introduction of the Coalition of Museum and Art Centers (CMAC).