Light Work is pleased to offer signed copies of the highly-anticipated monograph Return Your Mind to Its Upright Position by Nathan Lyons. Return Your Mind to Its Upright Position is the fourth volume in an extended sequence of 588 images begun in the early 1960s, including three previous books: Notations in Passing (1974), Riding First Class on the Titanic (1999), and After 9/11 (2003). It consists of a sequence of 140 images paced as diptychs in chapters. Assuming a variety of roles, resembling sociologist, ethnographer, anthropologist, observer, commentator, poet, essayist, and historian, Nathan Lyons shows us overt and hidden dimensions of material culture and belief systems. Lyons is an American photographer and educator who has played a central role in the expansion of photography over the last five decades. A black-and-white photographer specializing in photographic essays, Lyons was the founding director of the Visual Studies Workshop in Rochester, New York, and a founding member of the Society for Photographic Education. His role in photographic education, and his stint as curator of photographs at George Eastman House, were marked by an openness to often-marginalized areas of photographic art, like artists’ books, video, and mixed media.