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11 search results for: Mertin


Light Work’s Guggenheim Fellows

Light Work would like to wish a hearty congratulations to our Light Work family members Susan Lipper, Arno Rafael Minkkinen & Stuart Rome on being named 2015 Guggenheim Fellows. The […]


2012 Light Work Grants in Photography

The 38th Annual Light Work Grants in Photography were recently awarded to three Central New York residents. The selected artists are Dennis Krukowski, Tice Lerner, and Sayler/Morris (the collaborative work […]


Menschel Gallery Catalogues
1985 – 1997

Please note: Your purchase is for the complete set of Menschel Gallery catalogues, except for those that have sold out and are no longer available. Please find a list below indicating the issues that are no longer available. By purchasing, you will receive all of the currently available issues mailed to you and a one-year subscription to Contact Sheet.