Tag Archive for: Artists-in-Residence

Priya Kambli, 2009 AIR, Wins Critical Mass Book Award

Priya Kambli will be visiting Syracuse as a Light Work Artist-in-Residence in December 2009. In the meantime, Priya will be hard at work on the monograph she is producing in conjunction with Photolucida as a 2008 Critical Mass Book Award Winner.

The monograph will feature work from her series Migration, a multi-year, multi-cultural, multi-generational series about a family who has strong roots both in India and America. In the series, Priya uses photography to ease the sense of disconnection that sometimes results from moving from one culture into another.

Congratulations on your win, Priya!

Congratulations to 2009 Artists-in-Residence

We received a record number of applications this year—close to 400. Thanks to all who submitted materials and showed patience throughout the process.

We’re very pleased to have the following artists-in-residence in 2009:

Yolando del Amo (August)
Meggan Gould (May)
Leslie Hewitt (July)
Priya Kambli (December)
Dean Kessman (July)
Doug Manchee (June)
Rachelle Mozman (May)
Demetrius Oliver (April)
Eileen Perrier (August)
Shawn Records (November)
Chad States (June)

We do have a couple of residencies still open for the year, and we will review materials again in April 2009. Click here to find out how to apply.

Image: Leslie Hewitt, Riffs on Real Time (1 of 10), 2002-2005

Light Work AIR Hank Willis Thomas at Jack Shainman Gallery

Light Work AIR Hank Willis Thomas is opening his second solo exhibition at the Jack Shainman Gallery. The exhibit, Pitch Blackness, follows the publication of his first monograph, of the same name, by the Aperture Foundation this past fall, and his significant presence in the “30 Americans” exhibition at The Rubell Family Collection in December.

Employing polished materials typical of monuments and signage used to build corporate identity Thomas presents a range of work from large-scale sculpture in painted aluminum, neon, Plexiglas, and granite, to hand painted, stenciled works on canvas, wood carvings, and manipulated photo-based works. Together the works trace black history through visual culture in an attempt to dissect, reinterpret, and re-imagine iconic moments from the “black past” and to investigate the complexity and absurdity of race in America in the 21st century.

The exhibit is on view from February 12 until March 13.

Jack Shainman Gallery
513 W. 20th St.
New York, NY

Light Work Artist-in-Residence Opens New Exhibition

Light Work AIR Oscar Palacio opened his solo show, Re-represented, at FP3 in Boston on January 23. The show, which features large-scale prints made during his residency, documents locations, such as Gettysburg National Military Park and Underground Railroad sites around Syracuse, that refer to race relations in America’s past.

Opening only three days after the historic inauguration of our first African American president, Oscar’s exhibition could not have been better timed as a poignant and powerful reminder of where we have come from as we enter a new era.

Having seen the prints as they rolled off the printer in the Darkrooms, it’s certain that Oscar’s decision to print these images large (some in the 40 x 60″ range) really adds to the solemn beauty of the sites. If you’re in the Boston area between now and April 25, 2009, a visit to this show promises a rich experience.

New work by Boston-based photographer Oscar Palacio
346 Congress Street, (Fort Point) Boston, MA
Gallery Hours: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 12-7pm; Saturday, 12-4pm

Tag Archive for: Artists-in-Residence