Rachel Herman Flak Photo feature
Today’s Flak Photo is Loren and Laura from Rachel Herman’s series Imp of Love. This work captures moments between two people who were once lovers, but are now trying to maintain their relationship as just friends. We hosted an exhibition of Imp here at Light Work earlier this year, and the series is the subject of Contact Sheet 155.
To celebrate Rachel’s exposure on Flak Photo and support the project, we teamed up with Andy Adams to give away five copies of Contact Sheet 155 on Facebook. On Facebook Andy asked readers to view the series on Rachel’s website and then post a link to their favorite picture in the comments section of the post. The first five who responded won the coveted Contact Sheets, and they went quickly!
Even though the contest is over, feel free to add your links and comments to the discussion. To get you inspired, here are a couple of comments about the series that were left in our guestbook at the exhibition:
“Very interesting to see the body language and imagine what was going on.” —Katie
“I’m in love with Neal and Chris because they make me wonder if love will ever make them happy.” —Donovan
“Tim and Hannah is wonderful. True love seems to be in question. The way that it is framed makes it look like a cockfight!” —Nick
“Molly and Drew’s cartwheel made me want to be in love.” —John