Carrie Mae Weems on Art:21

Season 5 of the PBS series Art:21 opens with an episode entitled Compassion. The episode, which premieres on October 7, 2009, features interviews with artists William Kentridge, Doris Salcedo, and former Light Work Artist-in-Residence Carrie Mae Weems.

In her segment, Weems discusses the presence of compassion in her work and how the use of appropriated images can help to open a dialog between the past and present. Click here to see a preview of Compassion on the Art:21 website, which also features an interview with Weems and Dawoud Bey, himself a former Light Work Artist-in-Residence.

Three Light Work connected artists at Carrie Haddad

Robert Flynt and Warren Neidich, former artists in residence at Light Work, and Gary Schneider, with whom Light Work published Genetic Self-Portrait, are exhibiting at Carrie Haddad Gallery July 16, 2009 through August 30, 2009. The exhibit, “Afterglow: Four Photographers & the Hand-Held Light,” also includes the work of David Lebe.

Melissa Stafford, curator, says about this exhibit:

The work of these photographers is vital and never still. Their images register something of what human life is and of what human life might be; present fully in every instant of time. The gleaming tracery evokes a gradual recognition of nose, mouth, chin, and neck coalescing into a recognizable form like “man”, or even an individual, like “Christopher”, but this body transcends those familiar, literal forms. Alfred Stieglitz, a hundred years ago, believed that personality could not be expressed by a face alone. The work in this exhibit agrees; it attempts to further sensitize photography – extending the medium to take in more and more of life’s fleeting glow.

The exhibit opens Saturday July 18 with a reception from 6 to 8 pm.

Carrie Haddad Gallery
318 Warren Street
Hudson, NY. 12534

Testing 1, 2, 3 . . .

Barry Anderson has been in town for about a week now doing tests at various sites for his upcoming exhibition Intermissions. Over fifteen separate venues all over Syracuse will show work by Anderson, a former Light Work Artist-in-Residence whose video and photo-based imagery occupies a space on the border between the commonplace and the surreal.

The first installation, the video Pigeon, will open at the Everson Museum July 25. Anderson’s video and sound piece Fragments, Spirits, Dust Bunnies, shown here in the installation process as Anderson answers interview questions, opens in the Light Work Main Gallery August 14. Click here to see the full schedule of Intermissions venues, including over 10 billboards throughout the Syracuse area.