Paulina Velázquez Solís: Unseen/forgotten: An ode to the humble landscape | Invisible/olvidado: Oda al paisaje humilde

July 18 – September 28
Thursday – Saturday, dusk – 11pm
Everson Museum Plaza
401 Harrison Street

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Live Performance on the Plaza
July 26th, 8:30 PM
Everson Museum

Light Work’s Urban Video Project is pleased to present the exhibition Unseen/forgotten: An ode to the humble landscape | Invisible/olvidado: Oda al paisaje humilde from July 18th-September 28th at their architectural projection venue on the Everson Museum facade.

In conjunction with the exhibition, Paulina Velázquez Solís will be present for a live performance on the Everson Plaza on July 26th at 8:30 PM.

About the Work

Unseen/forgotten: An ode to the humble landscape | Invisible/olvidado: Oda al paisaje humilde


Unseen/forgotten: An ode to the humble landscape | Invisible/olvidado: Oda al paisaje humilde is a continuation of a project Paulina Velázquez Solís developed during the pandemic. She found herself in a new environment in Brooktondale, NY, surrounded by a creek where the change of pace and isolation brought via COVID accentuated the sound perception of the river, and its presence as a neighbor and living entity. This sonic connection was similar to her home in Costa Rica, which is also next to a river, making the sound and the experience of the river both grounding and nostalgic. This project, which will include interactive and performance-based elements, will explore Central New York as a site of “post-industrial natural wonder”, using regionally extinct species in local herbaria as tools to meditate on  “[t]he tension between what prevails and what has shifted or disappeared” in a field of “memory, transformation, and territory”.

About the Artist

Paulina Velázquez Solís (she/her) is a multimedia artist from Latinoamerica with an interest in the oddities hidden within nature and the body. She was born in Puebla, Mexico and grew up between Mexico and Costa Rica, where she went to art school. She works in diverse media, including installation, sculpture, drawing, animation, and multimedia performance. 

She graduated in Art and Visual Communication in Printmaking at Universidad Nacional in Costa Rica and obtained an MFA in New Genres from the San Francisco Art Institute as a Fulbright Scholar. She moved to Ithaca, NY in 2018 where she is currently faculty at the Art Department at Cornell University and Ithaca College. Her work has been shown around the world, including at the Museo de Arte y Diseño Contemporáneo, TEOR/éTica in Costa Rica, Taipei Fine Arts Museum in Taiwan, ExTeresa Arte Actual in México City, Museo de Arte in San Salvador, Torino Contemporanea in Italy, La Casa de las Américas in Havana, Cuba, Mengi in Reykjavik, Iceland, Museum of the Americas in Washington DC, UCLA Biennial in Los Ángeles, and the Berkeley Art Museum in the San Francisco Bay area.

Artist Website:


This exhibition is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.

The UVP program is made possible with a Tier Three Project Support grant from the County of Onondaga, with the support of County Executive Ryan McMahon and the Onondaga County Legislature, administered by CNY Arts.