Friday, March 8th | 6-7 PM
Everson Museum Plaza
401 Harrison Street
Join Light Work’s Urban Video Project for a series of Community Night pop-up exhibitions and events on the plaza this [SEASON]! Are you interested in hosting a UVP community night event? Submit a proposal today!
These events are FREE & OPEN to the public.
TeenReel: Teens With A Movie Camera
Friday | March 8
Rain or shine!
Light Work’s Urban Video Project (UVP) is honored to feature a short film program as part of Teens With A Movie Camera, a community day celebrating the filmmaking collaboration between the City of Syracuse teens and the City of Syracuse media artists.
The collaboration is led by Associate Professor Mišo Suchý; Guggenheim Fellow Lida Suchy; and award winning filmmaker & recent SU alum Evan Bode. Teens with a Movie Camera is made with the support of Urban Video Project / Light Work, Nottingham High School, The North Side Learning Center, Engaged Humanities, the SOURCE, VPA, CNYArts, and Say Yes to Education-Syracuse. This creative project focuses on personal visual storytelling and culminates with the creation of original short movies and their public presentation in the community in which they were made.
Teens with a Movie Camera is made possible through the CNY Arts Grants for Regional Arts and Cultural Engagement regrant program thanks to a New York State Senate Initiative supported by the NYS Legislature, the Office of the Governor and administered by the New York State Council.