Krista Steinke
July 2008
Krista Steinke will use her residency at Light Work to scan negatives and print images from two series, Backyards, BB Guns, and Nursery Rhymes , and Sand Castles in the Compost Pile. The series Backyards, BB Guns, and Nursery Rhymes is a photo and video series inspired by memory, fairy tales, and fables. According to Steinke, “Placing a contemporary spin on familiar archetypal stories, I use references from children’s literature as a point of departure to question the nature of innocence and comment on the human psyche.” The series Sand Castles in the Compost Pile uses the same conceptual style, but uses adult models to look at the lines between fantasy/reality and entrapment/escapism in contemporary suburban life.
Steinke received a BA in advanced humanities from Valparaiso University, a BFA from the School of Art Institute of Chicago, and an MFA in photography and digital imaging from The Maryland Institute, College of Art. Her work has been exhibited nationwide, and she has received various awards and fellowships including First Place for the 2007 Singular Image at CENTER, Santa Fe. Steinke is currently an assistant professor at Moravian College.